Ensure you read and comprehend the rules and regulations specific to your division, with particular attention to the pitching and scoring guidelines.
To attend Coaches Meetings conducted by your division coordinator.
To conduct at least 2 practices per week.
Arrange your practice schedule with your coaching partners. Usually, most teams practice once on weekends and once during the week.
The time and days are up to you. The fields may be available to EYL coaches for practice, whenever there is no EYL game scheduled.
Contact Schedule@ElmoraYouth.com for a copy of the UC field permit.
To Report all injuries to the Safety Officer and Insurance Coordinator.
All injuries and/or accidents during games or practices must be reported to the Safety Officer (Carole Acton - Safety@elmorayouth.com) within 48 hours.
Injuries, which may seem minor at the time, may develop into something major.
Play it safe and report the injury.
To have Team at Field on Time for games
Coaches and players are expected at the field for a game 30 minutes prior to scheduled game time, rain or shine.
Rain-out are called at the field at game time by the managers and the board member on duty.
If hard rain cancels the entire day's games, your division coordinator will contact the team manager.
To Prepare for Games
Make Chalk batter's box and foul lines If Necessary
Complete line-up card with starting pitcher name circled and present it to home plate umpire.
Assign parent or players to operate scoreboard
During the game
To keep players in dugout during the game â€" Players are to leave the dugouts only to visit the bathroom and to play the game.
Players should be reminded to visit the bathroom prior to game to eliminate visits during game.
No visits to the refreshment stand are allowed.
Players and/or Coaches should supply their own water.
Maintain a safe play environment. Players outside of dugouts are subject to injury from hit or thrown balls. In addition, family or friends are not allowed to visit players on the field or in the dugout.
After the game,
Rake the Field after the game; â€" All dirt areas must be raked smooth after every game by all coaches, win or lose. Caution: Never rake the dirt (clay) onto the grass areas. The mixture of infield
dirt will kill the grass.
Return all equipment to the field shed (Rakes, Scoreboard keypads, shovels)
To clean up the dugout after each game â€" Be sure all your player's belongings are accounted for, and with their help, pick up the area.
Report scores to your division coordinator if score is kept.
Report pitch counts to your division coordinator for baseball Rookies, Minors, Majors and Jr/Sr.
Season End
Return Equipment to Division Coordinator at the end of the season.