
Home of the
2019 Mid-Atlantic Champions


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 Team Parent Duties

 Along with a Few Helpful Tips

KITCHEN DUTY:  Schedule the parents of their team to work the kitchen at least for one or two games during the season and one during playoffs.  If the parents do not wish to work the kitchen, they will be assessed an additional fee of $175.00 in the current and all future seasons.  (Ponytails, Middle School Softball and Major league baseball teams are required to work three games, T-ball is required to do at least one game.)

You can attempt to schedule parents by meeting with them at a practice or game.  Ideal is to either call or email.  This allows them the opportunity to review and consider the days they are available. Click here for kitchen procedures.

Click here to view the schedule, this link will bring you to the division page and you would click for your team's division.

TEAM PHOTO DAY: Team Photo Day is Sunday, May 7, 2023.  You are asked to distribute Team Photo forms to the parents.  They are responsible for completing and bringing form w/their payment on photo day, or they can purchase pictures ahead of time online and just bring receipt with them.

Each team is assigned an appointment time.  You will be getting an email with the available schedule.  Please be sure to communicate the date and time to your team.  Be sure to discuss with the Team Manager before you request your time, because Team Managers should be in the picture with their team and remind your players to wear their full uniform. Please note that that only the team manager, assistant coaches (up to 3) and team parent are allowed on the field during the photo session.  Please cooperate with our league on this issue as we have to photograph 40 plus teams.

FUND RAISER:  Distribute the Fund Raiser forms to all parents as soon as possible (Ideal time is on Opening Day).  Parents can either return their fundraiser packet to Team Parent or drop it off at the Hanratty Field with the Board Member on Duty – Preferably with Fundraiser Coordinator, at specified days and times to be announced. 

If you have access to parent emails or text, sending a quick short reminder is ideal and will help fundraiser sale. 

VOLUNTEER APPLICATION: You are required to complete a volunteer application.  You should have received an email from the committee who handles it.  If you did not receive the email, please send one to BackgroundCheck@Elmorayouth.com

Questions, please e-mail


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