
Home of the
2019 Mid-Atlantic Champions


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Parent Responsibilities

As published in our award winning league book

Parents Responsibilities

  • Let your child choose to play Little League and to quit if he or she does not enjoy baseball. Encourage participation, but don't pressure.
  • Understand what your child wants from participating in Little League and provide a supportive atmosphere for achieving these goals.
  • Set limits on your child's participation in baseball. You need to determine when she or he is physically and emotionally ready to play and to insure that the conditions for playing are safe.
  • Make certain your child's coach is qualified to guide your child through the Little League experience.
  • Keep winning in perspective by remembering Athletics First, Winning Second. Instill this perspective in your child.
  • Help your child set realistic goals about his or her own performance so success is guaranteed.
  • Help your child understand the experiences associated with competitive sports so she or he can learn the valuable lesson sports can teach.
  • Discipline your child when he or she misbehaves, breaks the rules, or is uncooperative or uncontrollable.
  • Turn your child over to the coach at practices and games, and avoid meddling or becoming a nuisance.
  • To notify your team's manager when your child cannot attend a game or practice.  It is a good idea to give your manager at least 48 hours notice when you expect to miss a game.

Great story on coaching,

"Tips For Little League Parents"

Win or Lose, it is all about learning
to be a good sport

Ice Cream!!! No one likes to lose, but the nature of a team sport is that one team will always lose. Teach your child that he/she didn't lose, the team lost. And they lost to a team that just happened to play better that day. There is always next time, and the important thing is to learn from the defeats. Its okay to analyze why someone lost, and how they can do better next time. It's never okay to place blame!

Questions, please e-mail


Playing Little League is about Learning Sportsmanship


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