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[StaffResp] [Coach] [TeamParent] [Parent] [Safety]

To:             All Rutgers Youth Sports Research Council Clinicians

From:        Rutgers Youth Sports Research Council

Re:            New, Free, Online Concussion Course for Youth Sport Coaches

 In addition to the information in the Rutgers SAFETY Course which you teach on behalf of your sports organization and Rutgers, there is now anew, free, online, one-hour course on concussion for youth sport coaches with expanded information concerning recognizing and responding to concussions. The information is designed around the 2010 NJ law which requires that high school coaches be trained about concussions. While the law is specifically targeted at high school coaches, in order for youth sports organizations to use public or private school facilities, they are typically required to sign Compliance Agreements to use school facilities. These agreements typically require that:

  1. Youth sport Organization carry $50,000 legal liability insurance coverage which then, by law, immunizes the school against liability claims arising from youth sport activities on school property;
  2. Volunteer coaches have training in recognizing and handling concussions;
  3. Provide a Fact Sheet on concussions appropriate for youth sports parents.

     These and a host of other issues are explained in the new course entitled “Concussions: What Youth Sport Coaches Need to Know.”  Your coaches can register for and take the course at no charge at http://youthsports.rutgers.edu/concussions.   It speaks specifically to NJ State Law and provides a certificate of completion upon passing a short quiz on concussions.

We hope you will take advantage of this free offering and inform your youth sport coaches of this opportunity to expand their knowledge of concussions and update their awareness of how to protect their young athletes against these potentially life altering injuries.

 Thank you,

 Sports Council Staff

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